
Nick and Sally pose during a break between visits to our stall from other local charities and community groups and members of the public. Very busy and tiring but so rewarding for all.
Now we really feel part of the local community. Everyone making us feel very welcome and eager to hear about our plans to support local people.
Lou and Sally - in front of our mental health focused stall in Hitchin town square. The sun came out and so did the good people of Hitchin. A busy morning was had by all : )
Sally, Nick and Lou on their first Safe Haven Cafe stall in Hitchin town square. We were invited to be part of the Health and Wellbeing event organised by Tilehouse Rotary Club in Hitchin.

Our response to the royals belated recognition of the importance of mental health as a major public health issue. They want more talk but we've had enough talk - however well meaning. More money to resource and staff mental health services across the country. An end to the MH lottery - where some get rapid support & help and some don't. And a range of support options including mindfulness, and peer support to enable sustained & supported recovery.

#WhatYouDontSee is the Lies your brain keeps feeding you.
Lies you're too ill or tired to question

Posted by us as part of the Blurt Foundation Depression Awareness Week.